Titan Truck Wash is the epitome of a simple, profitable business! Make easy money without changing a thing, or do a little marketing and grow it!
The owner literally does 1 hour / week worth of work (sending out invoices)!
- 3-year established business!
- Established clients (including Savage Trucking)!
- Great monthly net income ($2,500 / month average)!
- Only working 2 days / week (only 1/3 of the available time)!
- Mobile business
- 2 part-time employees
- 3500 Chevy Truck (2014 – 140K miles)
- Covered Trailer (12′ x 6′)
- Heavy-duty Pressure Washer
- 325 Gallon Tank
- Consistent Maintenance Schedule (any / all problems are repaired immediately)
- Gorilla Desk Management Software ($100 / month if you choose to use it)
The equipment has recently undergone a full maintenance check, and it’s in perfect working order!
- Mobile Rubber Mat / Water Filtering System (literally wash semi-trucks anywhere)!
- Add Truck Detailing ($1K / truck)!
- Add Truck Fire Extinguisher Inspections ($50 / unit)!
The owner is being deployed (military) for 1-year, so he needs to sell now!
This business won’t last long! Purchase Today!
The Consultation is FREE, so there’s absolutely no risk!
Re-source today with Biznis Resource… the better, easier way!