Medical Billing & Consulting Business for Sale

ConsulMED provides all-inclusive RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) & Consulting services for hospitals and physicians.

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Expertise, Commitment, Flexibility, Accountability & Creativity!

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  • Goodwill:
    • 30-year Established Business!
    • 43 active / contracted clients
    • 3rd Party Association with HBMA – Health Care Business Management Association
    • Great Niche business!
  • Location:
    • 563 W  500 S Ste 245 , Bountiful UT 84010
    • 3300 sq ft
      • Foyer, conference room, 2 offices, server room, kitchen/break room, open space
      • Shared parking
      • Shared bathrooms / hallway
    • 3 years remaining on lease
      • $4618 monthly / No CAM
  • Financials:
    • Consistent annual Income (except 2020): $1.3 MM
    • Consistent Margins: 17%
    • SDE: $385K
  • Services / Revenue Channels:
    • Patient Easy Pay
      • Charge Capture – Claim Submission
      • Patient Collections
      • Denial Management
      • Coding
      • Payment Processing
    • Physician Services: Outsourced RCM
      • Charge reconciliation & audit
      • AAPC Certified Coding
      • Payment Processing
      • Patient Collections / Fee Schedule maintenance
  • Clients:
    • Active Clients (last 12 months): 43
    • 42 Clients under contract
  • Business Software:
    • Oracle Business Licenses- $21K
    • CRM: Proprietary Consulmed Software – $500K+ value
  • Employees:
    • 3 Full-time Employees:
  • Full Transition:
    • Technical Training
    • Business Training (as necessary)

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Over 3,159,379 EDI claims billed with only a 2% denial rate!

ConsulMED provides expert Revenue Cycle Management to minimize bad debt, reduce days in AR, and maximize collection ratios.!

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ConsulMED analyzes denial trends to identify and create solutions that reduce the denial rate to less than 5%

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ConsulMED won’t last long! Contact us TODAY for more info!

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